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Guestbook of Cavern

by avatar-Kevin Kevin

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avatar-StarvingHound StarvingHound
6 years, 291 days ago
avatar-nftyw nftyw
10 years, 130 days ago
Neat level that really makes the shuriken an actual challenge to think about.
avatar-Eagleheart Eagleheart
10 years, 135 days ago
Not really a challenge, but a fun little level. I'm not sure if you're supposed to use the statue to get two shurikens, which may be possible, but I just used the bonons for the one on the left.
avatar-Charem Charem
10 years, 205 days ago
I thought you had to scale that cliff on the right with the statues and Banons somehow. D: Then I realized the top was simply open and I didn't have to go all I thought I did. Also, Death From Above is SO useful here.
avatar-Karasaar Karasaar
10 years, 241 days ago
Excellent one, although it looked a lot more complicated than it was. I like having to figure out what to do though.
avatar-JermEx JermEx
10 years, 286 days ago
This one was a challenge ^_^ Great job
avatar-Smackware Smackware
10 years, 286 days ago
Completed with all pickups! That poor bonon on the two platforms had to die at the end :/ poor thing
avatar-zubit zubit
10 years, 286 days ago
awesome trick with the bonon staying on the platforms!!
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