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by avatar-m0she m0she

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avatar-Karasaar Karasaar
9 years, 157 days ago
to that. That plus the limited movement speed of the character makes it impossible to do 10/13. Did you test this yourself before you released it?
avatar-Karasaar Karasaar
9 years, 157 days ago
The timing is still way too close. I tested it with artixbot and he couldn't even come close to reaching the buttons in time. You have to take into account that the instructor needs time to react to the event happening and then the actor needs to needs to react
avatar-ArtixBot ArtixBot
9 years, 157 days ago
It seems like the timing is ridiculously close for this map o.0
avatar-m0she m0she
9 years, 303 days ago
Also, added a "Ready?", "Go" marks that are synchronized between actor and instructor. And I made 13 events, out of which you only need 10. You can see the progress (afterwards) in the log below
avatar-m0she m0she
9 years, 303 days ago
The marks are now displayed for 3 seconds instead of 1 second. The instructor only shows where - the timing is very important. You have to be on the flower at the exact time that the mark would have appeared.
avatar-zubit zubit
9 years, 303 days ago
also, the marks disappear super fast... can you set them to be slower?
avatar-zubit zubit
9 years, 303 days ago
tried to play this with mostro - but we couldn't figure out if the instructor should press flowers, or just show where to press - and if rhythm/timing has any meaning or its just sequence....
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