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Guestbook of RE: SEVENGURDEN

by avatar-fervour fervour

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avatar-JoeChip JoeChip
5 years, 239 days ago
Deceptive dummy(pacifier), reaching the sky barrel was the trickiest single thing I`ve had to do so far in my 6 ! hours in Below Kryll. Very satisfying.
avatar-Murpheon Murpheon
6 years, 212 days ago
Is there anyone taking right sided island as Angler fish? (on the minimap :)-C
avatar-BrianH BrianH
7 years, 240 days ago
avatar-Suguru3030 Suguru3030
8 years, 62 days ago
very nice
avatar-Alixander Alixander
8 years, 208 days ago
Fervour often builds his levels next to each other so he most likely wants to build another level underneath his and is saving it, keeping other people from taking that space up.
avatar-SkeazyJ SkeazyJ
8 years, 210 days ago
Why is the bottom blocked...
avatar-Alixander Alixander
8 years, 212 days ago
By the way, I like this level a lot more than the original SevenGurden..... Is that ashame to say? D; I just like the level design more.
avatar-Xct3R_aAa Xct3R_aAa
8 years, 212 days ago
avatar-Alixander Alixander
8 years, 213 days ago
SINCE NO ONE COMMENTED ON THE PIXEL ART...... D: < I've just gotta say that is one adorable flower.
avatar-vman vman
9 years, 356 days ago
avatar-ParkerVR ParkerVR
10 years, 11 days ago
ugh had to walk all the way back to give a guy his book to open the shrine
avatar-fervour fervour
10 years, 44 days ago
Noted :)
avatar-Gors Gors
10 years, 61 days ago
we need more like this in the future
avatar-Xotano Xotano
10 years, 61 days ago
quite easy but quite well done
avatar-zubit zubit
10 years, 63 days ago
very cool - <3 respawning bridges!
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