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Guestbook of Mc Kryll's Cooking Room

by avatar-Gors Gors

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avatar-Scheuchevogel Scheuchevogel
7 years, 219 days ago
avatar-tebkanlo tebkanlo
8 years, 285 days ago
COOL! I can just imagine the logics behind it, but sure I can get that good. Nice goob Gors!!
avatar-densch densch
8 years, 288 days ago
Instructions were not clear enough. Got dick stuck in mixer. ...sorry. I couldnt resist.
avatar-Gors Gors
8 years, 309 days ago
Also, to serve coke, check the COKE option and press the drink dispenser button. Stop just before the Cadmeon is smashed so it can trigger the wheel - if a `COKE OK!` message appears, you did right and the customer will be triggerable :)
avatar-Gors Gors
8 years, 309 days ago
The bug is due to the timing on the goblin wheel (it sends output trigger for a longer time than I wanted to). Despite coding a resetter for every customer served, it isn`t 100% effective
avatar-zubit zubit
8 years, 309 days ago
i still cant figure out how to serve coke...
avatar-mostro mostro
8 years, 309 days ago
There seems to be some bugs left, though. The drink doesn't reset after serving the coke, making you have to reset it manually.
avatar-mostro mostro
8 years, 309 days ago
I have no idea how you do this but it's impressive!. Also, I liked the little details like the Mc Kryll's logo and the stove :D.
avatar-Eeveeiott Eeveeiott
8 years, 309 days ago
Hooray, done! Great design and level, Gors!
avatar-Eeveeiott Eeveeiott
8 years, 310 days ago
I love this but... Is Customer 2 broken? I'm getting the coke, but he never gets another ! above his head, and I've tried getting him a plain burger too... I've done it two-three times with no success.
avatar-zubit zubit
8 years, 310 days ago
really awesome idea - but i can't get the drinks machine to work (i get an overflow..?)
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