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Guestbook of Captain Bum's ULTRA Tower- Floor 4

by avatar-ArtixBot ArtixBot

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avatar-Extramrdo Extramrdo
7 years, 236 days ago
These are some tough jumps for some tough issues.
avatar-EpicU EpicU
7 years, 247 days ago
Excellent map, I wish the SJW would play this map. It is one of a kind.
avatar-Scheuchevogel Scheuchevogel
7 years, 330 days ago
Is it on purpose that the last POI can't be triggered without praying at the same time? >_>
avatar-Prival Prival
8 years, 199 days ago
destructology - reminds me of another real religion haha
avatar-jus jus
8 years, 278 days ago
the jumps for the two stars high up are practically impossible and im a level 27 ! no way can i get to them ...
avatar-ArtixBot ArtixBot
9 years, 5 days ago
There's a hidden message which is activated by the flower once you destroy the vault :3
avatar-tebkanlo tebkanlo
9 years, 5 days ago
I don't understand the use of the frog and flower next to the jail
avatar-tebkanlo tebkanlo
9 years, 5 days ago
hope it was "legal" to pick the first shuriken over the city jumping down from the hole
avatar-tebkanlo tebkanlo
9 years, 5 days ago
just one shurikens left. Cool adventure *order 66.exe* noooo :'(
avatar-zubit zubit
9 years, 5 days ago
done! :D
avatar-zubit zubit
9 years, 5 days ago
still working on the shurikens - great level!!
avatar-mostro mostro
9 years, 6 days ago
It was tricky to get all the shurikens. Nice, funny story, too :P.
avatar-Gors Gors
9 years, 6 days ago
perfected it, LMAO best way to destroy the gold!!
avatar-Gors Gors
9 years, 6 days ago
really difficult but enjoyable!
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