What is an Unlimited Account?
Newly registered players start the game in Trial mode; Trial accounts will always allow you to play normally, except for the following limitations:
- Trial accounts are level capped, though they can keep playing adventures and gain Gold and Glory even after reaching it.
- When a player with a trial account +1's an adventure, it won't be counted towards the adventure's rank and won't grant any rewards to the adventure's creator. If the player later unlocks his account, all of his +1's will come into effect retroactively, adjusting ranks and granting rewards to creators.
- Players with trial accounts won't be able to create public chat rooms.
- Trial accounts won't be able to scribble to other players in-game.
You may remove these limitations by upgrading to an Unlimited Acount by purchasing it via the shop, or by redeeming a key. Keys can be purchased from the shop for redeeming later, or as a gift. We also offer a 4-key bundle with a major discount.
A Unlimited Account will be valid for all future versions of the game. Even if the game is GreenLit by Steam.